Well after a few years of hard toil, searching through bins and hassling Austrians I can finally say that without a shadow of a doubt I now have a complete PAL PS1 standard game collection. And here is the final game of them all.
Unfortunately I have to thank AtariBuff for sending me this game over.
So there we go then, its done at last. No more having to buy off eBay, search through charity shops and……… oh wait, country variants!! Looks like I am gonna still be at this for a while.
Also on to further news, and for those of you not on our forums we have finally released the database online for everyone to use. You can browse through it by clicking on this link or the link in the top menu. It is very early stages at the moment and will be going through a lot of changes over the coming month. If you do find any issues with it you can always discuss them in our forums.
Yep that is what it looks like. Its Grand Theft Auto Double Feature and yes that is my kitchen table. And its all down to one person. Our very own New Zealand native Coop1826. Who is now known as Coop-erman (well at least his custom forum title says that). Now all I have to do is remember to send him his games back along with Saturn’s stuff, me no lazy .
But that means that I am now down to needing 1 game, 1 single solitary game, 1 single solitary game that just happens to be sitting in Ataribuff’s grotto over in Austrialand, 1 single solitary game that just happens to be sitting in Ataribuff’s grotto over in Austrialand when it should be sitting in my hands in Englandland so I can officially say I have a complete PAL collection. So everyone send evil looking glares in Ataribuff’s direction so that he will send it over to me and we can have a party.
In other news that has been a couple of interesting posts over on the forums. Go check them out now!!!!
OHH EMMM GEEE the dead have risen.
Hi guys, how ya been? Yes I am finally back from the dead and looking to invest a little more time into the site. Also I should hopefully crossed fingers have some fantabulous news about my collection real soon, oh and for those of you that messaged me about it no I didn’t have to sell anything so the collection is still all together.
But I do have some news on the community front, a new website has sprung up for not only PAL Playstation Collectors but NTSC collectors as well.
So a great place to get together with some of the NTSC collectors and talk all things Playstation, so go click the image to visit now and join in the fun, but of course don’t forget our forums, they ain’t going nowhere.
I noticed a hilarious coincidence in UK’s unofficial PlayStation mag “PlayStation Plus” lately. Lemme explain.
Like all of “Formula 1 ‘98“’s predecessors, this one was pretty buggy when released to the world. “PlayStation Plus” reviewed it next to the game “Buggy” by Gremlin and showed the gaming world foreshadowing things to come… a buggy “Formula 1 ‘98″ game
At least I find that funny
Nonetheless, the PlayStation 1 Database (not online yet) has this to say about “Formula 1 ‘98″:
When you press “Select” at the main menu then the following is displayed on-screen: “FORMULA ONE – 98 – BETA – 6.3.A – BUILD DATE OCT 12 1998″ – did they really release a beta version???
Still laughing…
Well guys as you can tell from the last update being on Boxing Day not much has happened in the world of PAL PlayStation collecting. I for one have not bought anything so far this year but that is more down to money than not finding anything.
And on the subject of money (and the title of this post) I have some kind of upsetting news from the Defconsoft household. Due to the current financial climate a few items from my collection are going to be going up for sale on eBay in the not to distance future, in fact I am pretty much giving up collecting PlayStation hardware and am going to concentrate on software, demos and promo items. I don’t really want to give up the hardware collecting but needs must at the moment, and having a house to live it is better than owning a rare console.
So basically that means that my 10 Million Model set will be up for sale soon, along with my Yaroze and debug units, memory cards, the lot. The only hardware I will be keeping is stuff that comes packaged with software. I will be sure to make everyone aware when these items go up for sale and this will probably happen in the next couple of weeks.
Hopefully this will allow me to recoup some of my money and put me back in the black, and it will allow me to concentrate on more important matters like the Online Database which I know you are all waiting for still.
So keep em peeled for when I throw up the auctions and of course keep posting in the forums, we got quite a community building back there.
Well that was quick, back again and this time I got Special Editions. Click the image as always to find out more.
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Disney Triple Pack 3 | Velocity x 3 | Lilo and Stitch Press Kit |
And thats me done for now as far as updates go. Thankfully I have nearly cleared my back log with only one or two more things to get done. Of course then the hunt starts again.
And talking about hunts, there is a big game hunt going on isn’t there. Well thanks to the big fat jolly red man (no not AtariBuff) we can finally tick 3 more off the list.
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Yes yes you are seeing that right, both Castlevania Limited edition and Star Ocean, and add to that the Bust a Move double pack. What a nice man Santa Claus is. Well actually the Star Ocean was from Lady Defcon, and I bought her the Castlevania
Still shall we re-count the list then?
Thats right. 2 to get and infact AtariBuff has already promised me a copy of Rayman Junior so that brings the grand total needed to 1. That being that damn Grand Theft Auto double feature.
Now the serious hunt begins.
Well I hope you are beginning to feel better from your over eating and drinking. Hopefully these updates have made it a little more tolerable.
Have fun and lets see what New Year brings.
Yes yes I’m back already, and this time I got hardware!!!! Click on each image to find out what each one is.
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So there you go for hardware, some good, some not so good, and some damn right awful kit you can pick up right there. Seriously I doubt anyone has as much tripe hardware in their collection as I do. I am a sucker for poor quality stuff I guess.
Next up some Special Editions and a games hunt Christmas update.
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